Gladstone Elementary

KCPS-Neighborhood • K-6

Our Mission

At Gladstone Elementary, our mission is to analyze data to increase learning through individualized instruction. We will support our learners emotionally in order to inspire secure and confident learners. Our vision is to collaborate with the community to create life-long learners who believe in themselves and take charge to make good life choices.

Tuition: NO Tuition
Transportation provided
Before and After-Care Available

Points of Pride

We pride ourselves on building a positive culture.
We have a very beautiful and diverse population.
We work hard on analyzing our data and using this information to guide our instruction.

Gladstone Elementary

335 N Elmwood Ave
Kansas City, MO 64123
View Website
Enroll at Gladstone

School Details

Year Established: 1988
Total Enrollment: 353
School Type: KCPS-Neighborhood
School Hours: 8:20 am - 3:20 pm


Tuition: NO Tuition


Feeder Schools

Receive Special Ed Services
English Language Learners

Specialized Programs


  • Orchestra
  • Visual Arts
  • Vocal Music

Sports Programs

Clubs & Activities

Social Services

  • School Breakfast
  • School Counselor
  • School Lunch
  • School Nurse

Family Engagement

  • Evening Family Events
  • Parent Communication App
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences

Application Details

Although many schools have application deadlines, most continue to accept applications for available seats on an ongoing basis.

Enrollment Open: Ongoing. More information is available here.
Kindergarten Cutoff: August 31
Residence: Students live within Gladstone's boundaries in the North Zone in the KCPS boundaries.

How to Apply

Enroll online on the KCPS website

Submit applications online or in person at the Board of Education building, 2901 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64109. Applications CANNOT be submitted at schools.

Enroll at Gladstone

Enrollment Requirements

  • Completed application
  • Birth Certificate
  • Current Immunization Record or Religious Exemption Statement
  • Most recent report card/transcript (not required for kindergarten applicants)

Public schools also require:

  • Proof of Address (also called “Proof of Residency”)
  • Parent or guardian photo ID

Standardized Test Results


* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.


* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.

Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests are scored (or graded) according to four achievement levels: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. The number shown here is the percentage of students who scored Proficient or Advanced.

Please note that private schools are not required to participate in these exams.

In 2024, the average English score in Missouri was 43%; the average Math score was 41.1%, source

Attendance Rate 90/90


Schools strive to have at least 90% of their students achieve a 90% attendance rate because kids learn best when they’re in school.

In 2024, 78.2% of Missouri students were in attendance at least 90% of the time, source.

Third Grade Reading Scores


Third grade is the important time when kids switch from learning to read to reading to learn and is an important benchmark for a student’s educational development.

In 2024, the average 3rd grade reading score in Missouri was 41.6%, source

Student Growth

English Language Arts


This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in English Language Arts.

There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.



This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in Mathematics.

There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.

Sarah Patrick, Gladstone Parent

My daughter is a 6th grader and this is her second year at Gladstone Elementary. We have watched her blossom and grow both academically and personally while attending. We love Gladstone!

When our family moved to Kansas City a few years ago, my husband and I began looking at school options for our daughter, Darbi. We value public education and feel there is a tremendous benefit in being a part of the diverse community found in the Northeast. So, we enrolled Darbi in Gladstone, our neighborhood school.

We have been so happy with our choice! The school building is always clean and kept in great condition. The hallways feature student art that is both inspiring and encouraging. The faculty and teachers work hard to create a safe, loving environment with high expectations. I feel it shows by the rising test scores and hard work of the student body.

Our principal, Dana Carter, values parent involvement and has been working hard this year to find creative ways to engage even more of her parents. The school hosts multiple family-oriented events and activities throughout the year. Plus, students have a chance to join several after-school clubs, such as Black Light – a performance group that meets each week.

Our family is so happy with our decision to enroll our daughter at Gladstone. From school faculty to the personal growth of our daughter, it continues to be a great choice. Gladstone is a fantastic school in the Northeast!