Hartman Elementary

KCPS-Neighborhood • K-6

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing environment where all children can become life-long learners. Our responsibility is to lead, encourage and provide the opportunity for all students to reach their full potential and be productive in our diverse and global society.

Tuition: NO Tuition
Transportation provided
Before and After-Care Available

Points of Pride

Hartman is best known for its outstanding culture; with a caring, nurturing staff, Hartman teachers and staff focus on a child-centered program with the desire of developing the whole student.
The main focuses at Hartman are attendance, attitude and achievement. Hartman is a family-friendly school that also partners with community organizations to provide additional support for students throughout the school year.
School leadership hosts town hall meetings throughout the course of the school year to empower students to have a voice and become a part of the solution. Students not only develop leadership skills, they also grow in their love of learning.

Hartman Elementary

8111 Oak St
Kansas City, MO 64114
View Website
Website: https://hartman.kcpublicschools.org/
Enroll at Hartman
Apply: http://www.enrollkc.org
Hartman Elementary

School Details

Year Established: 1947
Total Enrollment: 279
School Type: KCPS-Neighborhood
School Hours: 8:20 am - 3:20 pm


Tuition: NO Tuition


Receive Special Ed Services
English Language Learners

Specialized Programs


  • Orchestra
  • Visual Arts
  • Vocal Music

Sports Programs

Clubs & Activities

  • Journalism/Newspaper
  • National Honor Society
  • Science Olympiad
  • Student Government

Social Services

  • School Breakfast
  • School Counselor
  • School Lunch
  • School Nurse
  • Uniform Closet

Family Engagement

  • Classroom Volunteers
  • Parent Communication App
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Schoolwide Volunteers

Application Details

Although many schools have application deadlines, most continue to accept applications for available seats on an ongoing basis.

Enrollment Open: Ongoing. More information is available here.
Kindergarten Cutoff: August 31
Residence: Students live within Hartman's boundaries in the South Zone in the KCPS boundaries.

How to Apply

Enroll online on the KCPS website.

Submit applications online or in person at the Board of Education building, 2901 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64109. Applications CANNOT be submitted at schools.

Enroll at Hartman
Apply: http://www.enrollkc.org

Enrollment Requirements

  • Completed application
  • Birth Certificate
  • Current Immunization Record or Religious Exemption Statement
  • Most recent report card/transcript (not required for kindergarten applicants)

Public schools also require:

  • Proof of Address (also called “Proof of Residency”)
  • Parent or guardian photo ID

Standardized Test Results


* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.


* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.

Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests are scored (or graded) according to four achievement levels: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. The number shown here is the percentage of students who scored Proficient or Advanced.

Please note that private schools are not required to participate in these exams.

In 2024, the average English score in Missouri was 43%; the average Math score was 41.1%, source

Attendance Rate 90/90


Schools strive to have at least 90% of their students achieve a 90% attendance rate because kids learn best when they’re in school.

In 2024, 78.2% of Missouri students were in attendance at least 90% of the time, source.

Third Grade Reading Scores


Third grade is the important time when kids switch from learning to read to reading to learn and is an important benchmark for a student’s educational development.

In 2024, the average 3rd grade reading score in Missouri was 41.6%, source

Student Growth

English Language Arts


This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in English Language Arts.

There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.


On Track

This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in Mathematics.

There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.

Karen James, Hartman Grandparent

We are in our fifth year at Hartman Elementary School. I enrolled my granddaughter at the tender young age of 3 in the preschool program. She is an only child and had not been away from me or family members on a regular basis. I was concerned about her adjustment period. At the time, the preschool program and the extended hours provided by LINC influenced my decision to choose Hartman as I had just returned to school full time myself.

Within the first week I knew my granddaughter was in the right place. We were greeted with “Good morning” and a smile from the moment we entered the door. Dr. Kirksey, teachers, support staff, parents, even students, speak to you at Hartman. It’s amazing, no, it is family at Hartman!

Dr. Jessie Kirksey and the teachers at Hartman are the best. My granddaughter is in first grade. She is fortunate to have had the same teacher, Mrs. Fowler for both kindergarten and first grade. Mrs. Fowler donates her time after school to tutor her students. Not only does my granddaughter excel academically, reading almost 2 years above grade level, but she has participated in Cheerleading and Girl Scouts. She is currently enrolled in the GEMS self-esteem program for girls. Other opportunities include Boy Scouts and basketball  for students at Hartman.

The opportunity for parental involvement is endless due to Dr. Kirksey’s open door policy If you have an idea that will benefit children, sit down and talk with her and if possible it will happen.