Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy
School Details
Feeder Schools
Specialized Programs
- College Prep
- Culturally Centered
- Band
- Drawing
- Drum/Percussion
- Literature
- Painting
- Visual Arts
Sports Programs
- Basketball (Girls)
- Cheerleading (Girls)
- Cross Country (Girls)
- Soccer (Girls)
- Track and Field (Girls)
- Volleyball (Girls)
Clubs & Activities
- Coding
- Gay-Straight Alliance
- National Honor Society
- Robotics
- Step Team
- Student Government
Social Services
- BackSnack Program
- College Advising
- Interpreters
- Learning Support Specialists
- School Breakfast
- School Counselor
- School Lunch
- School Nurse
- Social Worker
- Therapist
- Uniform Closet
Family Engagement
- Classroom Volunteers
- Evening Family Events
- Family Appreciation Events
- Field Trip Chaperone
- Parent Communication App
- Parent Education Programs
- Parent-Community Association
- Parent-Teacher Association
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Schoolwide Volunteers
Application Details
Although many schools have application deadlines, most continue to accept applications for available seats on an ongoing basis.
How to Apply
*Note: If they do not have space, you may choose to remain on their waitlist.
Students must live within the KCPS boundaries. There are no admissions tests or tuition.
To apply please visit www.schoolappkc.org.
Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy is one of 16 Kansas City charter schools working together to simplify their initial application process into one easy 8-question form, SchoolAppKC, that you can fill out on any electronic device.
We offer tours of the building. Contact Molly Schemm at mschemm@kcgpa.org or call 816-268-2573.
Admission Preferences
- Siblings
- Geographic
- Employee

Enrollment Requirements
- Completed application
- Birth Certificate
- Current Immunization Record or Religious Exemption Statement
- Most recent report card/transcript (not required for kindergarten applicants)
Public schools also require:
- Proof of Address (also called “Proof of Residency”)
- Parent or guardian photo ID
Standardized Test Results
* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.
* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.
Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests are scored (or graded) according to four achievement levels: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. The number shown here is the percentage of students who scored Proficient or Advanced.
Please note that private schools are not required to participate in these exams.
In 2024, the average English score in Missouri was 43%; the average Math score was 41.1%, source
Attendance Rate 90/90
Schools strive to have at least 90% of their students achieve a 90% attendance rate because kids learn best when they’re in school.
In 2024, 78.2% of Missouri students were in attendance at least 90% of the time, source.
Student Growth
English Language Arts
This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in English Language Arts.
There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.
This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in Mathematics.
There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.
Ashley Daniels, Returning KC Girls Prep Parent (written as a prospective parent)
I am the parent of a 4th grade girl that currently attends a public school in Kansas City. Now that my daughter is in the last year at this school, I am faced with multiple decisions regarding schooling and how to keep her excited about school. She was allowed an opportunity in 3rd grade to be a part of an innovative open-concept classroom with a person-centered approach to learning to assure all students were their best. There were tables instead of desks in the classrooms, sensory chairs for students who needed them and students were encouraged in the areas of critical thinking and problem solving daily. She responded enthusiastically to this non-traditional approach while in class as she came home discussing new projects or tasks that she completed that day. As a parent, I knew that this was an environment that I would want her to experience through 12th grade, but was unclear about where to look for a school that would meet her learning style.
In the summer of 2018, I learned about Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy, a new charter school that was also going to be single gender with a focus on creative expression and responsibility and that was going to be community led. During the first meeting for the school, I learned about how each student would have a voice in the school, restorative justice practices that would be implemented and how each girl would be celebrated, no matter what was brought to the table. This was unheard of to me and I was excited that all students and families would be able to build the culture of the school, to increase pride and encourage healthy relationships between peers. The founding teams’ ideas and innovative approaches to growth of the students through different means is refreshing to hear to make sure all students succeed.
Initially, my daughter was skeptical about KCGPA with it being single gender and was not sure how it would compare to her current school, as students, staff and parents work as a team for the students. My daughter’s mind was changed after she met Ms. Haskins, the school leader. She was happy to see a school leader, that looked like her, who she was able to relate to and most importantly, listened to EVERY idea possible from students to make the school a success. I have invited other families to the meetings to learn and discuss how KCGPA would absolutely benefit our future girl leaders of the world. I believe that this school will be a leader in charter schools in Kansas City and I was excited to apply to KCGPA for my daughter to encourage her to reach all her academic goals, as well as build character and responsibility.