Woodland Early Learning Center
The KCPS Head Start program at Woodland offers full day seats from 8:00am-2:30pm
Because Head Start is an income eligible program, families must first apply to see if they meet the qualifications. We use a centralized intake enrollment process through the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) who serves all Head Start programs in our area. To apply, you can:
To schedule an application, please call MARC Head Start at 816-841-3382

- Full Time
School Type
- Head Start
- 3-5 years
More Information
The Woodland Early Learning Community School offers the national Head Start early childhood education program for children and families. The Head Start program is designed to increase school readiness by supporting the social, emotional and cognitive development of young children. This goal is accomplished by providing a rich, age-appropriate learning environment, by engaging and supporting families and by connecting them with needed services through the community school model.