Primitivo Garcia Elementary

KCPS-Neighborhood • K-6

Our Mission

The mission of Primitivo Garcia Elementary School is that all children demonstrate leadership through self-mastery, ownership of behavior, working with others, and continuous improvement to become productive and successful community members.

Tuition: NO Tuition
Transportation provided
Before and After-Care Available

Points of Pride

Our school is a Leader in Me School
We are also named after Kansas City's first Latin American hero, Primitivo Garcia, who received a Carnegie Hero Medal for giving his life to save his teacher.
Serving others is a tradition that we carry on in our school.

Primitivo Garcia Elementary

1000 W. 17th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
View Website
Enroll at Garcia

School Details

Year Established: 1993
Total Enrollment: 236
School Type: KCPS-Neighborhood
School Hours: 8:20 am - 3:20 pm


Tuition: NO Tuition


Receive Special Ed Services
English Language Learners

Specialized Programs


  • Orchestra
  • Visual Arts
  • Vocal Music

Sports Programs

  • Basketball (Boys)
  • Basketball (Girls)
  • Cheerleading (Girls)

Clubs & Activities

Social Services

  • School Breakfast
  • School Counselor
  • School Lunch
  • School Nurse

Family Engagement

  • Evening Family Events
  • Parent Communication App
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences

Application Details

Although many schools have application deadlines, most continue to accept applications for available seats on an ongoing basis.

Enrollment Open: Ongoing. More information is available here.
Kindergarten Cutoff: August 31
Residence: Students must live within Garcia's boundaries in the North Zone in KCPS boundaries.

How to Apply

Enroll online on the KCPS website.

Submit applications online or in person at the Board of Education building, 2901 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64109. Applications CANNOT be submitted at schools.

Enroll at Garcia

Enrollment Requirements

  • Completed application
  • Birth Certificate
  • Current Immunization Record or Religious Exemption Statement
  • Most recent report card/transcript (not required for kindergarten applicants)

Public schools also require:

  • Proof of Address (also called “Proof of Residency”)
  • Parent or guardian photo ID

Standardized Test Results


* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.


* Indicates data has been suppressed due to a small student sample.

Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests are scored (or graded) according to four achievement levels: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. The number shown here is the percentage of students who scored Proficient or Advanced.

Please note that private schools are not required to participate in these exams.

In 2024, the average English score in Missouri was 43%; the average Math score was 41.1%, source

Attendance Rate 90/90


Schools strive to have at least 90% of their students achieve a 90% attendance rate because kids learn best when they’re in school.

In 2024, 78.2% of Missouri students were in attendance at least 90% of the time, source.

Third Grade Reading Scores


Third grade is the important time when kids switch from learning to read to reading to learn and is an important benchmark for a student’s educational development.

In 2024, the average 3rd grade reading score in Missouri was 41.6%, source

Student Growth

English Language Arts


This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in English Language Arts.

There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.



This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in Mathematics.

There are four categories possible: Emerging, Approaching, On-Track and Target.

Turquoise Templeton, Primitivo Garcia Parent

As the single parent of a 2nd grader, it is important to me that my child is not only excelling at school, but also at life. I want my child to value education, and also learn skills that will allow her to thrive in life. Although we have only been at Primitivo Garcia Elementary for a few short months, it has been a great environment to watch my student learn and grow!

One of the best reasons for choosing Garcia Elementary was the staff. Staff members, such as Principal Alomenu and Parent Liaison, Ms. Boyd, go above and beyond to ensure students have a sense of safety, security, and belonging while attending the school. Parents are encouraged to be an active part of their students’ educational growth through organizations, such as SAC. Through SAC, parents are allowed an opportunity to be involved and knowledgeable on how the school is meeting criteria and guidelines. Other organizations such as LINC, offer parent involvement through events such as Muffins with Moms and reading fairs.

Also, students are offered a variety of extracurricular activities and enrichment programs, such as Junior Achievement, which encourages entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy through experiences. The LINC before and after-school program offers various activities to students whom use the service, including cooking lessons by staff, and art classes through Mattie Rhodes, a local community center. And, if students require additional assistance, services are available such as speech.

I feel Garcia Elementary has been a great choice for my child!